The jury of the Official Section, composed of the artistic and research collective SUBTRAMAS and the film creation collective COLECTIVO NEGU, has decided to award the prize of the second edition of CO- to "Libertad" by Colectivo Libertad, along with a special mention for "Archipiélago" by Colectivo Archipiélago. Additionally, Zumzeig's members have selected "Puta Mina" by Colectivo Puta Mina to be screened at the cinema and at NUMAX in Santiago de Compostela.
Official Section
"A work exploring the mechanisms of memory recovery from past events that continue to shape our present and future. The film’s poetic, and yet heartbreaking narrative, carries an emotionally restorative power, serving as a chapter in the personal and collective history of Franco's Spain. We commend its collaborative methodology as a production strategy and its aesthetic expression, which reveal the complex efforts of the young students who make the told experience as it was their own."
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Special Mention
«For its approach to understanding cinema as a vehicle for collective political subjectivity, as well as for the delicate and poetic assembly and editing of various experiences filmed during the coronavirus crisis.»
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Exhibition Award
Puta Mina
The film has been selected by Zumzeig members through a voting system to be exhibited at Zumzeig Cinema (Barcelona) and NUMAX (Santiago de Compostela) after the Festival.
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